Have you ever wondered what a Tuff Shed install looks like?
Featured here is a 45 second time lapse video that a couple of our Kansas City customers, John Yuelkenbeck and Buck Sommerkamp, sent in of their 8×10 Premier Ranch being built.
The install took a total of four hours to complete, and our customers were so impressed with their shed design and installation that they were moved to grill up some lunch for our installers. “It’s amazing they worked that fast and hard in 100 degree weather,” said John. “The install crew was great, they did an awesome job.”
I have asked the price for build a shed with 7.5’x25′ and one door, I have received the quote for over $7324.84, this price can buy two TUFF 10’x12′ shed from Home Depot, and have two doors and windows. I don’t understand!
[email protected]
Hi Shawn,
First, let me start off by thanking you for your interest in Tuff Shed. Second, The models you see at Home Depot are a different a product series, so yes the prices are different, so are the warranties and the options and upgrades also vary. Finally, we build in 2 ft increments, so if you’re building at 7.5’x25′ everything has to be adjusted to account for that difference. So your ordering a custom building. If you can keep your size to 2ft increments, it will be more affordable. If you have any other questions feel free to email us your zip code and phone number to [email protected], and we’ll have one of our local reps reach out to you. Thanks again.
First of all, I’m located in So. California (to give you an idea of the weather). This first one looks pretty neat. My son is talking about a 10 x 12. It’s kind of hard to tell for sure, but is the floor steel??? If so, would I have to worry about rusting???? Is any kind of City permit required for them??? What about electricity? I’m at work so I haven’t taken the time to go over your whole website and maybe all of these questions are answered. Oh, just remembered ~ what about warranty? I read somewhere that it’s 5 years. Does that mean that in 5 years it’s going to fall apart or that it simply is guaranteed after 5 years. What is the longevity of Tuff Sheds??? My e-mail at home is [email protected].
Hey Jean,
Thanks for reaching out to us, and we appreciate all your questions. We have forwarded your inquiry to our Customer Care Team and they will have the right person reach out to you directly to answer all your questions.
Thank you,
Tuff Shed