A Shed to Match

6 Comments | Nov 20, 2019 |  Building of the Month
When you find a product that works great, you tend to stick with it. That’s how the Custodio family came back to Tuff Shed. They...

Is Your Backyard Level?

14 Comments | Nov 20, 2019 |  Get To Know Tuff Shed
Site prep can make a big difference when it comes to your new Tuff Shed building and installation day. Dependent on building size, there are...

A She Shed Trend

8 Comments | Oct 23, 2019 |  Building of the Month
Adriane’s new She Shed is the talk of the town. With a clerestory style roof, it’s caught the eye of all the ladies in the...

Make the Most Out of Fall

One Comment | Oct 23, 2019 |  DIY
Even a little early preparation can make a big difference by the time spring comes around. Your shed or garage can play a big role...

A Storage Upgrade

18 Comments | Sep 25, 2019 |  Building of the Month
Jonathan needed a storage upgrade to get his tools and outdoor gear out of his garage. With plenty of room on his property for a...

DIY Workshop: Paver Patio

3 Comments | Sep 25, 2019 |  DIY
Give yourself a great place to relax after a long day in the shed with our Paver Patio DIY. Whether you use your shed for...

DIY Workshop: Elevating Table

0 Comments | Aug 20, 2019 |  DIY
Even after re-organizing your shed, you may be wanting just a little more storage space. This DIY project is the perfect solution. Our elevating table...

DIY Workshop: Chalkboard Pegboard

2 Comments | Jul 25, 2019 |  DIY
This pegboard DIY project is a great solution for adding extra storage and personalization to your shed or garage. The chalkboard paint is a quick...