Backyard Resolutions

One Comment | Dec 21, 2018 |  Get To Know Tuff Shed
How are you starting the New Year? How about with some backyard resolutions, from Tuff Shed? Read below and find some incredible inspiration. Making a...

Ho Ho Holiday Sheds

0 Comments | Dec 20, 2018 |  Building of the Month
During the holiday season, festive Tuff Shed buildings pop up all across the country. We’re highlighting some of our favorite holiday sheds, from seasons past...

So Many Ways to Pay

6 Comments | Nov 27, 2018 |  Get To Know Tuff Shed
Are you dreaming of a Tuff Shed building, but aren't sure how to pay for it? We've got you covered with many payment options. We've...

Renee’s Studio Lean-To

4 Comments | Nov 27, 2018 |  Building of the Month
It’s hard to imagine a better place for this studio than in Renee D’s perfectly landscaped Pensacola, FL backyard. As a master gardener, she had...

6 Steps to a Game Day Shed

One Comment | Oct 22, 2018 |  DIY
Whether you’re a die-hard or a casual football fan, we think that game day is more fun when you’re watching in your own themed shed....

The Shed of Solitude

2 Comments | Oct 22, 2018 |  Building of the Month
Holy Shed, Batman!​ DC Comics Superfan Asoka has a truly unique use for his shed. When he found out he and his wife were having...

Tuff Shed New Denver Grand Opening

0 Comments | Aug 21, 2018 |  Press Releases
Tuff Shed, Inc., is America’s leading supplier of storage buildings and garages. Tuff Shed will be hosting Denver grand opening event on Thursday, August 23,...