Don’t Bug Out!

2 Comments | Apr 11, 2016 |  DIY

What do you look forward to most in the Spring? Gardening may make it on your list but we think that an influx of insects is a quick way to cut back the enthusiasm of your green thumb. With these simple tips you’ll be able to keep the bugs out of your backyard shed this season:

Start Fresh

Keeping your shed clean is one of the best ways to cut down on bugs. Early in the season (Spring Cleaning!) take some time to clear out your shed and sweep out every corner. Not only will you clear out potential bug homes, you may find some forgotten treasures while you’re cleaning.

Light It Up

When using your shed, be sure the interior is brightly lit. Bugs tend to settle in dark, untouched areas, so the brighter you can keep the interior of your shed, the better.

Close the Containers

Store bug-attracting products like potting soil, compost, wood chips, etc. in heavy duty, sealed containers. Loose plastic bags and containers without secure lids are welcoming homes for insects A tightly sealed container will keep the bugs out and help protect your personal items.

Clean Up

When you finish an outdoor project, be sure to clean your gardening tools before storing them in your shed. Washing them off outside and drying them will do wonders to keep unwanted insects out. Not only will your tools look great, bugs won’t find a home in the residual dirt.

Long Lasting Prevention

Once you’ve worked to get the interior of your shed insect free, you can start work on the exterior. Whether you plant bug repelling plants or prefer using traps or sprays, there are quite a few options for keeping pests at bay.

Put the excitement back into the Spring season with these easy tips for keeping insects out of your backyard shed. While we can’t guarantee a completely bug-free shed, these tips should keep most of the creepy crawlers at bay.

2 thoughts on “Don’t Bug Out!

  1. Questions
    I am planning (have a representative) to have built a 10′ * 12′ tuff shed for an office space. It will have electricity; I am considering finishing the interior with sheet rock. Will this provide greater climate control, how much?
    Also, how valuable is putting down a cement slab before building? Will it add much to the longevity of the building? Will it save money with installation of the Tuff Shed as I presume the building job will be easier, require less, maybe not? Thank you.

    1. Hi Dawn,

      All great questions! If you are planning to finish the interior of your building with sheetrock we recommend not adding the radiant barrier upgrade to your interior walls. Depending on the size of a building, a concrete slab may be necessary. On our smaller buildings it’s not specifically needed for installation but it can help to keep your building in great shape for years to come. We recommend speaking with your local team for any other specific questions, as they can provide you with the most detailed answers along with a customized quote for the building you’re interested in. Thank you!

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