The original magazine photo of the potting shed.
The potting shed under construction.
The potting shed under construction.
The potting shed under construction.
The finished potting shed surrounded by gardens.
The interior of the potting shed.
The finished potting shed surrounded by gardens.
The finished potting shed surrounded by gardens.
The finished potting shed surrounded by gardens.

Garden Tour Standout
Dee Nash takes her gardening seriously. So much so, that when she saw a photo of a custom potting shed in Country Gardens magazine, she knew it was exactly what her garden needed. Her husband, Bill contacted Tuff Shed. The Nash’s needed the new building installed before a state-wide garden tour.
“Bill took the magazine right down to Tuff Shed, and they helped design what we were looking for,” says Dee. The potting shed needed quite a few customizations to match the cover photo. The 8×12 deck is used as both the base and flooring, installed with gaps in the decking so dirt can be washed through. The shed itself is a 6×9 Premier Pro Tall Ranch with a 6/12 roof pitch and 12” overhangs. Not only did the Nash’s find custom 2×5 windows for the potting shed, they found custom paint to match the magazine model as well.
Even with a looming due date of the garden tour, the custom shed was completed on time with every detail in place. “I appreciate the fact that it was made exactly how we wanted it,” says Dee. Amid Dee’s beautiful landscaping the potting shed is just one of many eye-catching features, but it stood out to tour attendees. “Everyone coming through the garden during the tour commented on the building and liked it a lot” says Dee.
While gardening can be an endless task, Dee and Bill can count on their new Tuff Shed building to be a lasting feature in the backyard. For more information on the Nash’s garden you can visit Dee’s blog at www.reddirtramblings.com.