Finding space for a home workout can be difficult, but Lisa decided to make it easy. She skipped all the trouble of a home renovation and added the space she needed with a new Tuff Shed garage. Lisa’s new space is one tough home gym, with plenty of room for weekly workouts.
Lisa isn’t a first-time Tuff Shed customer. With one Tuff Shed garage project already under her belt, she knew that she could trust our team with her home gym plans. “The first garage we built with Tuff Shed was so easy,” notes Lisa. “Sure, a large building is a longer process but it’s an easy way to add the space you need without all the hassle of a full home addition.”
So, Lisa came to our team with a plan and we got to work on the design. Her new 16×20 Premier PRO Ranch Garage features a few customizations. We included specialized scissor trusses for more headroom when Lisa and her husband are using their exercise bike and elliptical machine and full-lite double doors for extra sunlight inside the gym. Lisa worked with additional contractors for the cement pad the new garage was installed on and the electrical work inside the building.
After her garage was built, Lisa got to work finishing the interior. Outfitted with rubber mats, reclaimed wood paneling, several pieces of exercise equipment, and of course, a couple flat screen TV’s, Lisa’s home gym can rival even the best exercise facilities.
Now that Lisa has all the space she needs for a home workout, she couldn’t be happier. “It’s so nice to be able to separate my exercise routine from my home. I’ve been missing my trips to the gym this year and it’s been such a nice change to have a new space to work out in.” And asked whether Lisa would choose Tuff Shed again? “Of course! Tuff Shed handles everything and you’re left with the exact building you need.”

I’m looking for something similar to this One Tuff Home Gym. I need pricing and can this be built onsite?
Hi Tony, your local Tuff Shed team will be happy to help with a quote on a design like this one. And all our buildings are built onsite, so your new gym will be set and ready for your workouts as soon as our crew is finished.
Do you construct sheds 24×36
Hi Sandy, that size is available in some areas. Since it’s a bit larger that our typical shed design, we recommend chatting with your local team to learn more about availability and pricing.
Tuff Shed rep
Will like to built a small studio back of my house or to the side of the house we live in South Florida
Will a tuft shed survive a hurricane ? What category? Can it be with AC?
Would you be able to get the permits to built it ?
Hi Katherine, all great questions. We can certainly help with a great studio design. We do have additional engineering codes to meet high wind requirements and your local Tuff Shed team will be happy to cover all those details with you. They’ll also be able to assist in the permitting process. As for adding air conditioning and any other interior finishing touches, that’s left to our customers. Our teams specialize in the outer shell of the building, so you can choose to finish the interior however you’d like.
Can we get an average price quote for 10×20 home gym? We live in Olympia Wa.
Hi Wendy, you can get a base quote using our online design tool here: Select the style you’d like and get started with the Build A Quote option. Just a reminder, all interior finishings are completed by our customers or additional contractors after our team finishes installations.