Tuff Shed at the Stock Show

5 Comments | Jan 28, 2016 |  Get To Know Tuff Shed

Tuff Shed buildings are certainly not one trick ponies. If you had the opportunity to attend the National Western Stock show in Denver this past month you may have noticed a trend in buildings on the show grounds. When touring the Stock Show, it was tough to look around and NOT see a Tuff Shed building. Not only do we build for residential purposes, we also work to serve the commercial industry. Our buildings are utilized across the country for businesses ranging in size from local shops to the United States Postal service. Our buildings at the Stock Show are just a small example of the many uses for Tuff Shed buildings.

Tuff Shed at the Stock Show

In every corner of the parking lot our Garden sheds stood to keep parking attendants warm. While this season has boasted record highs for temperature, it still got a bit chilly standing outside. The warming sheds served the very necessary job of keeping the parking attendants toasty during their breaks. In total, there were 29 temporary warming sheds placed throughout the parking lots.

The Guest Relations Center on the grounds is a Tuff Shed as well. The center was used for guests to find maps of the grounds and information for events throughout the show. Due to its size, the Guest Relations Center stays put on the grounds all year round.

The Guest Relations Center will stay on the grounds all year round.
The Guest Relations Center will stay on the grounds all year round.

Livestock exhibitors looking to check in were herded to a Tuff Shed building where they received their registration information and tags.

The rodeo is a rough sport and injuries are fairly frequent. This year, the triage tent in the Coliseum was replaced with a permanent Tuff Shed medical center. The office duties for the rodeo were also housed in a permanent Tuff Shed building. The heavy duty buildings will withstand years of use and the wear and tear that goes hand in hand with the rodeo.

Upstairs, Colorado State University welcomed visitors through a Tuff Shed building into their educational state agricultural display and led them out through one as well. In addition to the entry and exit buildings, visitors walked through a Premier Tall Barn to see the “Hen House”. These three buildings are also permanent structures in the exhibitors building.

In addition to the Colorado State University display, there was a nursing station on the second floor. It stood out from the rest of the Tuff Shed buildings with its two-tone pink color scheme.

Nursing Station

This year we received a wonderful comment about our nursing station. “I just wanted to give Tuff Shed a huge thanks. It was wonderful of you guys to supply a Tuff Shed for breastfeeding mothers. My daughter and I were comfortable and felt very secure. The shed itself was awesome with the couches and bright pink exterior. Thanks again for making it simple, convenient and comfortable!!”-Breanne

Of course, Tuff Shed also had an exhibitor’s booth where we showcased a range of buildings including a loafing shed and a dog house. (photo)

With a total of 40 Tuff Shed buildings on the grounds of the Stock Show in all shapes and sizes, we had the opportunity to showcase several unique uses for our all purpose buildings, including commercial use. If you have any questions or would like to learn more about our commercial build capabilities, contact your local Tuff Shed rep today via www.tuffshed.com!

5 thoughts on “Tuff Shed at the Stock Show

  1. I was recently hit by an EF3 tornado outside of New Orleans and contacted Tuff Shed for a quote. I dealt with Jasmine in sales. I just wanted to say what an excellent and professional employee you have in her. She was there for me each and every step of the way and her response time was on point. The only reason I ended up not going through Jasmine and Tuff Shed is because a best friend of mine is a contractor and he has offered to build my shed and charge me for materials only offering labor complementary. I couldn’t pass up that offer since I didn’t have enough insurance coverage.

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