Please see below for Tuff Shed’s latest update in our response to COVID-19.
Tuff Shed continues to carefully monitor and react to the changing landscape that is the Covid-19 pandemic. Our response to COVID-19 evolves as well. Today, our factories and sales locations are open for business, but still with measures designed to keep our employees, contractors and customers safe, including the following:
- Requiring masks be worn in order to enter all Tuff Shed facilities
- Requiring that employees and contractors undergo health screening, including taking temperature upon entering facility
- Practicing social distancing in our locations
- Limiting the number of buying groups that can enter a showroom at any given time
- Encouraging virtual sales consultations whenever possible
- Discontinuing in-home sales and/or customer site checks
- Instructing installers to wear masks in customer backyards and to never enter customer homes
- Establishing and communicating formal policies and procedures relating to Covid-19 to field management
For more information please refer to our website, Thank you.